
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.." Psalms 145:12

As some of you know the Kenya Children Project is just the beginning. Throughout these three years it has been a privilege to be partnered with Life in Abundance International. They have been a blessing as they have served as a conduit for funding, as well as accountability, and have served in an advisory role. We have been blessed by the relationship, and I feel fortunate to have been involved with them. Without them, the KCP would have never happened, and I never would have been able to ease my way into the Mathare community.

With that said, we have come to the end of our 3 year partnership. As of January 1, 2010, LIA will no longer be accepting donations for the KCP. In discussions with my co-workers and friends in Nairobi, we decided that it would be wise to replicate the model we have used in the KCP. We also recognized that we have only touched a tiny portion of the Mathare community - Jangwani is comprised of roughly 20,000 people and Mathare as a whole is 600,000+. Therefore, we have a passion to reach out to the rest of Mathare one small community at a time, initiating and developing holistic education projects through the church, and leaving them in a place of self sustainability. We can then move on to new communities once the work in Mathare is brought to completion. Therefore, we have formed a new organization, eduKenya to do this. eduKenya will basically take on the model used by the KCP and tweak it slightly in areas which it was weak to make it an even more effective model.

We will go into communities through the church, and will do as we have done with the KCP - develop a school program, skill training and micro loan programs and home based care programs and help create self sustainability. We have already been approached by a number of churches in Mathare to come and partner with them. So, we will take the next year to develop a relationship with the new church that we are led to.

Additionally 2010 will see us continue in our relationship with the Believers Centre Mathare Church, as eduKenya will add one more year to the KCP. Financially, we are not in a place to leave the KCP self sustainable, and from a management perspective there is still a bit of work to do with the Believers Centre. Therefore we have added one more year to the project.

eduKenya is founded by myself and Pastor Bob Kikuyu. This is very much a Kenyan organization, and therefore our board is made up of 4 Kenyans and 3 Americans. We would like to ask for your prayers...a lot of prayers. We have incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania as a non-profit, and have completed all of the forms we must submit to the IRS and the Federal Government to receive 501 c3 status, which makes us a tax exempt organization. We need this process to move quickly, and when calling the IRS the other day, I found out they are backed up, still working on June applications. So, please pray that God would act in a mighty way and streamline the process for us, so we are able to continue the work that He has placed before us. For any more information on this transition, you can contact me at 724 992 8609 or email or, for Pastor Bob. Our website which will be up in the next couple of months will be There is currently a holder page there.

We look forward to see what the future holds for eduKenya, and God's work in Kenya and here in the US. Blessings on each of you in this holiday season. While Christmas is a festive holiday, we remember the symbolic celebration of Christ's birth, and the purpose his life gives to each of us.


Steve said...

Good to hear of your good work. My offer of books for your school still stands. My organization (Books for International can send a couple of boxes on our funds, or a whole contaienr (25,000 books) or more individual boxes if you can find shipping funds (about $3000 for a contaienr and approximately $40/ box)---Steve Frantzich

Ethembeni said...

Hey Adam..will be praying for government departments to speed registration process...keep the faith! Blessings from South Africa..Grant Edkins