
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ending Year 2 of the KCP well...

Hello everyone. I have arrived back in the United States following a great trip to my other home in Kenya. It was a very productive 12 day trip. Of course it was great to catch up with friends and family. I was able to have an end of the year meeting with our executive committee. It was a very productive meeting, as we addressed any internal issues and then began looking ahead. We worked on the budget for 2009, discussed the sustainability aspects of the project and took a look at the initial steps of phase out. We nominated 3 professional individuals and 3 members representing the Believers Centre to be trustees for the trust which will own the apartments which we will purchase in 2009. We are in the process of working with a lawyer on the legal aspects involved in establishing the trust. The Believers Centre contributed 8,000 Kenya shillings towards the sustainability projects which was a great encouragement, showing their committment. We also decided to purchase more permanent structures for the school. I am only addressing a few of the decisions that were made, as many conclusions were made in the meeting.

We once again finished under budget in the project due to wonderful and frugal work on the part of the project staff. Even in the midst of a global food crisis, we were able to feed the children for roughly $5 per child per month, simply amazing. Thank you for your continued prayers. We look forward to seeing what God has in store in 2009 as we begin the phase out process and look to turn the project over fully to the Believers Centre. Thank you for walking with the KCP! Blessings during this Christmas season and into the new year!

1 comment:

Christmas said...

What a joy to see that your work(Gods work) is thriving. You are a blessing to them and us. I pray He continues to use you to reach people like me. I have not forgotten His children. Their smiles are beautiful. Thanks for the update and the photos. I'll be praying. Merry Christmas to you and your family.