
Friday, June 13, 2008

KCP heads to the Giraffe Center...

Today was the first field trip for the children. We arranged for a trip to the Giraffe Center. The Kenya Wildlife Service has set up a place where you can go and feed giraffes. The main focus of the Giraffe Center is for school children to come and learn about wildlife. They don't charge the schools entrance fees. It is a very neat program.

Today was amazing though. Not only did the children get to come to the Giraffe Center, for many of them, today was their first time outside of Mathare. The Giraffe Center is located in Karen, a very wealthy, spacious and green Nairobi suburb. The ride there was simply a new experience. We rented a bus and loaded all of the children, teachers and KCP staff onto the bus and headed to Karen.

Upon arrival the children had an opportunity to learn about giraffes. We had one of the staff from Giraffe Center talk to the children. They were then able to feed the giraffes. They were a bit hesitant at first, but once they realized it was safe they had a ball. A few of the younger children cried a bit, because they were scared of such a huge animal.

Following the feeding, the children had an opportunity to see a tortoise, and then had their faces painted. We provided a sack lunch for them as well, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The bottled water seemed to be a big hit!

Another first for many of the children occurred today as well. After lunch we went to a small auditorium where John, our Giraffe Center host, put the Lion King video on. Many of the kids had never seen a video before, and they were totally focused. Their eyes were glued to the TV for a good 45 minutes, which for these kids is a long, long time. After that, we got on the bus and headed back to what seems like another world - Mathare.

What a blessing it was to see the wonder in the children's eyes. The smiles and laughter, and the sheer thrill of the whole experience were amazing to witness. Another blessing God has provided through these children of Jangwani.

A Field of Dreams...

Yesterday marked another first for the KCP...PE. It was the first time the children were able to go somewhere and run around and get exercise. A Christian school that has a wall separating itself from Jangwani is now renting their field to us two days a week. Yesterday was the first day of this new addition to the school experience for the children. Jon had brought soccer balls with him from the U.S., so the kids had those to play with.

It was so incredible watching them run around with wreckless abandon. That open space is a far away, dream world for many of the kids. These children are used to cramped spaces, with no place to run around. For them to now have this opportunity is a real blessing. To have a chance to run around with them was awesome! What a treat to see those smiles and wide eyes, the huffing and puffing from running around. God continues to live and bring hope to Jangwani!

KCP Medical Camp...

Last week, we scheduled a medical camp for the children and their families. It was held at the Believers Centre Church. Jon, Dave, Dave and Steve were able to witness this first time process for the KCP. We had two nurses to do medical check ups on the children, their siblings and parents and then provided medication where it was necessary. We also provided fluoride treatments for the children's teeth.

It was a great day, and I've never heard children ask for medication like I did that day. Each child also took a deworming pill, which is now being done through the school every 3 months.

The majority of the children in the school were relatively healthy, largely due to the significant meals they are receiving. A large portion of the medication was given out to the siblings and parents. It has been incredible to see the difference in the children. The change in their bodies and energy isn't recognizable to when I met them 2 years ago.

The medical camp was a great success in large part due to the KCP staff, Pastor Isaiah, Believers Centre volunteers, and our nurses. We can thank God together for providing!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

KCP and other happenings...

I've been a little slow in getting updates out, as I have been busier (in a good way) than expected. The internet has also been a bit sketchy. Nevertheless, here is another update.

The kids are doing quite well. Luke really enjoyed spending time with them and had a great time in Nairobi. He went back to the US on Sunday night. Luke even learned some kiswahili I didn't know, so he was really on top of his game here.
My father and I preached at Lifespring on Sunday, Pastor Bob's church. It went quite well, and we didn't get any boo's so that was good.

There are some exciting things coming up at the project. On Thursday we are having a medical camp for the kids, where they will each receive a medical check up by a nurse at LIA. We will also be providing the children with Vitamin C tablets.
Next Friday is going to be pretty amazing. The teachers and staff at the project thought it would be a good idea to get the children outside of Mathare and have them go to the Giraffe Center. So, through a couple of generous donors, the transportation and donation to the Giraffe Center have been taken care of. For many of the children it will be their first time away from Mathare. They will have the opportunity to pet and feed the giraffes, have an educational time with one of the instructors, and watch some videos on different kinds of wildlife. I feel so privileged to be here while this is happening. To be able to see the looks on the children's faces will be amazing!
Dave, Dave and Jon arrive tomorrow, and will be the final group to visit. It has been a blessing to have had all the visitors thus far, and I am sure this last group will be great as well.

I think that is it for now, sorry I don't have any good stories, the brain isn't functioning at full throttle at the moment. Hope you all are well...